CEEPORT (work-in-progress)
Yurie Umamoto, Kumi Umamoto, Pablo Fontdevila, Douwe Smit, and Igor Dobričić

CEEPORT is a collaborative project exploring our perception of the tragic, as well as the tragedy of our perception. It is a performance installation in which a body, an installation of aluminium foil, light and sound constantly redefine each other.
CEEPORT invites the audience to enter an environment where cyclical interactions generate the most unpredictable phenomena.
CEEPORT started in 2012, after an initiative of artist/choreographer Yurie Umamoto to work on the creation of a solo around the idea of the tragic. Soon enough the project evolved into a complex collaborative process with an interdisciplinary approach, leading to discover a common interest in researching a tragedy of perception.
CEEPORT continued to develope towards a monumental installation which radically transforms the theatre space, not only on the level of its appearance, but also triggering new modes of perceiving the relations between sound, body, material and light.
The project has been in development for the last five years. With intensive periods in the studio and extensive periods of loose communication, the production process reflects on aspects of duration, cycles and timing as much as the performance itself.
After a 2 year hiatus, the team has come together again. Hosted by Veem House for Performance, this presentation is an opportunity to test new ideas.
We have started thinking about CEEPORT as comprised by 3 acts:
*ACT1 is an online streaming
that invites the audience to witness, in real-time, the buiding-up of the CEEPORT installation; three one-hour segments will be streamed during the three day building process
*ACT2 is a live performance
when audience and artists gather in the same space to share an experience during a specific time
*ACT3 is a video installation
that stays in the venue after the team has left; it is a documentation of the process of building down the aluminium installation
CEEPORT Schedule
17/10, between 14-15hs
18/10, between 14-15hs
19/10, between 17-18hs
watch online on the
20/10, 20hs
in Veem House for Performance
27 & 28 October
it can be seen in the foyer of Veem House for Perfomance
20 oktober 2017
The CEEPORT team is formed by five artists with multi-disciplinary backgrounds and interests: Yurie Umamoto develops choreography, installations, performances and video/image work. Pablo Fontdevila has a background in choreography, design and electronic arts. Douwe Smit produces music, has an education in visual arts and an ongoing practice of photography. Next to developing design and visual concepts, Kumi Umamoto is also busy with body work and therapy. Igor Dobricic works as a dramaturge, and has also developed his own performative projects.
The performance includes long periods of flickering lighting. It might not be suitable for people with epilepsy or other conditions.
Created by:
Yurie Umamoto, Kumi Umamoto, Pablo Fontdevila, Douwe Smit, Igor Dobričić
Pablo Fontdevila
Kumi Umamoto
Douwe Smit
Igor Dobričić
With the support of:
CLOUD (The Hague), Dansateliers (Rotterdam), Dansmakers (Amsterdam), K3 (Hamburg), Summer Studios (Brussels), Tanzfabrik (Berlin), Pianofabriek (Brussels), workspacebrussels (Brussels) and Veem House for Performance (Amsterdam)
Douwe Smit
Yurie Umamoto