Open House Festival | Ogutu Muraya
Ogutu Muraya

Ogutu Muraya is a writer, storyteller and theatre maker. In Because I always feel like running, he navigates the phenomenon and politics of running. In East Africa, the emergence of athletic prowess in middle and long distance categories coincided with the independence movements. Since the 60s the success of athletes became tied with the process of nation building and the creation of a new identity in a postcolonial context.
In the same way as a marathon runner is always pushing his limits and enhancing his body, the performance also centres on willpower and physical tenacity. Through historical, documentary and personal narravites, Muraya investigates the runners body both as a political repository and a vulnerable, vital and resilient biological organism.
21 december 2017
22 december 2017
21 & 22 December 2017 program starting from 19.00
Because I Always Feel Like Runnig by Ogutu Muraya
Blab by Sonja Jokiniemi
* Please note: the ticket gives acces to all activities on the festival day. Check all activties in the programme overview.
About Ogutu Muraya
Ogutu Muraya is a writer and theatre-maker whose work is embedded in the practice of orature. He engages the sociopolitical with the belief that art is an important catalyst for advocacy, for questioning our certainties, and for preserving stories often ‘miss-told’ or suppressed in the mainstream. Ogutu studied International Relations at USIU-Africa and recently graduated with a Master in Arts at Amsterdam University of the Arts – DAS Theatre. He has been published in the Kwani? Journal & Chimurenga Chronic. His performative works & storytelling have featured in several theatres and festivals including- La Mama (NYC), The Hay Festival (Wales), HIFA (Harare), NuVo Arts Festival (Kampala), Spoken Wor:l:ds (Berlin), Globe to Globe Festival (London), Ranga Shankara (Bangalore), Afrovibes Festival (Amsterdam), Art in Resistance: Spielart (Munich) & within East Africa. He is a recipient of The Eric Brassem Exchange Certificat.
Ogutu Muraya
Dramaturge & directorial assistance:
Leila Anderson
Developed with support from :
Bâtard Festival, Veem House for Performance, Life Long Burning (LLB) project, co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union
Ernst van Deursen
Noah Voelker
Production manager:
Martha van Meegen