Pleuni Veen, Eloy Cruz del Prado, Elisa Zuppini, Amparo González Sola

GARDENING is een creatieve broedmachine waarin vier dans/mime/performance kunstenaars twee weken lang de tijd krijgen om te sudderen en nieuwe ideeën naast elkaar te laten groeien. Ze krijgen studioruimte en worden ondertussen actief begeleid door professionals uit het culturele veld. GARDENING gaat over nieuwe zaadjes doen ontkiemen, maken, ontmoeten, voeden, groeien, delen en het kruisbestuiven van elkaars werelden.
GARDINING #3 trapt op 6 maart af en eindigt met vier publieke deelmomenten op vrijdag 17 maart. De deelnemende kunstenaars zijn Pleuni Veen, Eloy Cruz del Prado, Elisa Zuppini, en Amparo González Sola. Lees hieronder meer over de makers en de thema’s die ze tijdens deze GARDENING willen onderzoeken.
Belangrijke informatie
GARDENING begint bij BAU Platform voor Dans en Performance en gaat verder bij Veem House for Performance, waar we zullen genieten van een kom soep + brood voordat we de laatste twee performances bekijken. Houd er dus rekening mee dat dit evenement om 17.00 uur begint bij BAU (Entrepotdok 4, 1018 AD Amsterdam) en eindigt rond 20.00 uur bij Veem House (Van Diemenstraat 408-410, 1013 CR Amsterdam). Omdat het openbaar vervoer tussen beide locaties enige tijd in beslag neemt, raden we je aan om op de fiets te komen.
GARDINING is een GREENHOUSE project geproduceerd door Nicole Beutler Projects en Veem House for Performance.
16 maart 2023
17:00 — 20:00
€ 7.50
sold out
17 maart 2023
17:00 — 20:00
€ 7.50
incl. soep + brood
Over Pleuni Veen
Pleuni Veen (1994) is a mimer intrigued by the balance between the determinate and indeterminate character of the world. She has the desire to be an interruption of daily life. Her work is guided by this fascination and desire and is filled with passion for the human body and some maths.
“A topic that fascinates me is the sensuality and sensitivity of the quantum world.
I would like to use this fascination more as a tool to explore the flirtation between thinking, writing and moving rather than using thinking, writing and moving as a tool to explore this fascination.
How can I change, play, remove the separation I feel between the language of words, my language of movement and the language of thinking? In what sense is text something different from movement and can they influence each other change, seduce each other maybe? How is the act of thinking a part of my works? How can the vibrating feeling of thinking become present in the space? All questions that serve to fuel my research”

Over Eloy Cruz del Prado
Eloy Cruz del Prado (1992) is a visual artist and performer based in Amsterdam. He graduated in 2021 with a BA in Fine Arts and Design at Sandberg Institute. He works between the roles of resistance and self-reliance in the development of intimacy, sexuality, care, and love. His research focuses on these tools in creating non-normative identities allowing for the growth of new social imaginings and defiance.
“At the moment, I envision my time at the studio writing and experimenting with movement. Both disciplines in which I’m not trained are getting more important in my practice. In Gardening, I would like to exercise each one separately and combine them both. Coming from a visual arts background, the process would be fruitful too when it comes to speculating around the scenography or formal aspect of a future piece.”
Good Job, Good Boy (sketch IV) is an ongoing project. It is an in-process thought around intimacy, imagination, and class difference. Which weaved together personal recollections of youth, queer desire, and rurality. This composes an image that underlines a constant seek of validation. This quest is presented here with a perspective of labor as a tool within a capitalist, and therefore, patriarchal frame. The work dissects the apparatus that construct ideas of self-value, identity, or social belonging, making use of autofiction and repetition.”

Over Elisa Zuppini
Elisa Zuppini (1990) is a choreographer and dancemaker originally from Italy. She graduated from SNDO School for New Dance Development in Amsterdam. Since 2019 she is one of the members of Jacuzzi, a convergence of Amsterdam-based choreographers.
Elisa’s choreographic research articulates around notions of relational movement and materiality in relation to the body and its affective dimensions. She is interested in the body as a transformative technology through which one can potentially access new (or lost) perceptions of reality.
‘During GARDENING I will keep working on my current (dance and choreographic) research in which I investigate the relationship between actual forms and the forming of subjectivity, between fixed architectures and becoming. I will be exploring states of presence in strict relation to spatiality as processes of formation, exteriorized introversion, and reversion of cognition.’

Over Amparo González Sola
Amparo González Sola (1984) is a choreographer, a dancer, a teacher, and a researcher based in Amsterdam. She recently finished her masters at DAS Choreography AHK. Last year she premiered “If every rock is a hole” and she is currently working on a work named “The conspiracy of forms”. Her research has developed around the notion of “reciprocity” and is deeply affected by her experience within feminist activism, the ongoing process of contact with the cosmology of her ancestors, and her own experience of migration.
‘For GARDENING I bring some choreographic procedures and intuitions that come from my current work “The conspiracy of forms” to observe which other paths they can open. I will be working around the gestures of eroding, dissolving, decomposing, recycling, digesting, exorcizing…. I will approach these gestures metaphorically and literally. I will take as material to explore them my own body, a dance I know, my voice, a song, an emotion, a few ideas.’

GREENHOUSE is een ontwikkelingsnetwerk geïnitieerd door BAU Platform for Dance and Performance, Boogaerdt/VanderSchoot, Keren Levi | NeverLike, Nicole Beutler Projects and Veem House for Performance. Het netwerk streeft naar een gezond artistiek ecosysteem in Amsterdam waarin dans-, mime- en performancekunstenaars floreren.
In GREENHOUSE bundelen we onze krachten om het ondersteunende netwerk te creëren dat kunstenaars nodig hebben om wortel te schieten, te groeien en te bloeien in de artistieke omgeving van de stad. De komende vier jaar streven we ernaar om nieuw werk te initiëren en te produceren, bieden we residenties en stages aan en organiseren we workshops, lezingen, zomercursussen en festivals.
Binnen GREENHOUSE draait alles om het delen van verbindingen, faciliteiten, ideeën en expertise. Samen claimen we tijd en ruimte voor onverwachte ontmoetingen, verkenning en experimenten.