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Open House Festival | Monday

Ogutu Muraya, Sonja Jokiniemi, Tea Tupajić, Oneka von Schrader, MOHA, and many others

For almost 100 Days now, the 100 Day House has been our house. We painted the space and moved a lot of objects around the building. We have invited people to come and they came. From artists we learned that our thinking should be a politicized thinking. We learned that sometimes being in a space with each other can be already the most political thing to do. We have sold a lot of books (some got ‘missing’.) We found out we really love to be a bookshop as well. 

We encountered a lot of Housemates. We gave (most of) them their key and saw them come back to the house. We’ve seen the leaves falling of trees and collected branches for a certain artist who made a certain performance. We collected words to imagine with. We’ve seen the days getting shorter and the darkness getting heavier. We are seeing the end of the 100 Day House approaching and we feel how all of this house, that we have come to appreciate even more than we already did, has to go into the dark again. We already feel how badly we are going to miss it.

Before we reach that moment though, there is still the Open House Festival. It will be the last main big collective and multiple days event this year. In the last week before christmas we harvest all that we have been doing and growing and sharing with the artists, the reading and research groups, the neighbourhood, the word-bringers, the speakers, the performers, the book-lovers, the bar-buddies, the Improvised Feminism debaters, the Chi-Kung and Yoga movers, the podcast makers, the listeners, the spectators, the writers room critics, and you. 

At the core of it all; the new performance works that have been developed during the 100 Days by housemakers Sonja Jokiniemi, Ogutu Muraya, Oneka von Schrader and Tea Tupajic.

The whole week we will be writing, thinking, dancing together. 

To open the house, to live the house, to close the house. 

18 December 2017



Monday 18th December – #day87

Superdance by Oneka von Schrader

Dark Numbers by Tea Tupajic – (introductive lecture performance)

Tuesday 19th December – #day88

Superdance by Oneka von Schrader

Dark Numbers by Tea Tupajic – (introductive lecture performance)

Wednesday 20th December – #day89

BLUE by Aleksandra Lemm

Superoutine by MOHA

Thursday 21th December – #day90

Because I Always Feel Like Running by Ogutu Muraya

Blab by Sonja Jokiniemi

Friday 22nd December – #day91

Because I Always Feel Like Running by Ogutu Muraya

Blab by Sonja Jokiniemi

Ogutu Muraya, Sonja Jokiniemi, Tea Tupajić, Oneka von Schrader, MOHA, many others

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