RR Hope in the Dark | Reading Rebecca Solnit – a soundtrack
Nienke Scholts and Andrea Rogolino
“Hope just means another world might be possible, not promise, not guaranteed. Hope calls for action; action is impossible without hope.”
– Rebecca Solnit
Rebecca Solnit’s (1961) disparate oeuvre on feminism, storytelling, politics, fear, hope and social change, surfaces everywhere lately, scattered on the tables of our whole team, in the conversations with our friends, in heated debates and bookstore’s windows. It inspired us to host a RR #Hope in the Dark, that invites you into an exploration of the works of the American essayist and social critic.
Her pamphlet collection, Men Explain Things to Me, is again (or still) able to feed the anger of an awakened feminism re-appearing both on and off stage. Her book Wanderlust explores walking as a way of (un)thinking, and writing as walking through thought. She analysed the emotions and behaviours, like joy and altruism, brought up in people after disasters in A Paradise Built in Hell, showing “a glimpse of who else we may be and what else our society could become”. Hope in the Dark, an essay-collection, brings the reader to her vision on hope as a space of uncertainty in which we can act upon the future…
Her topics and concerns are always dark, painful and infuriating, it encloses you and takes your breath away. But if anything, she herself is the one to always point towards the light, towards that what is achieved already, to the good we have. That’s why we named this RR: Hope in the Dark, we feel it is actually the ‘sound track’ playing in the back of all of her works. Reading Solnit is like being within that darkness and in the hope within.
26 September 2017
3 October 2017
10 October 2017
17 October 2017
25 October 2017
Reading & Research @ 100 Day House
Reading&Research, shortly RR, is about reading and studying a specific topic together. Smaller groups of interested people gather, read, unfold texts, worlds of thoughts, helping and challenging each other, as each brings her/his own background, expertise, vision, ‘readings’. RR is also about slow thinking, zooming in, and developing discourse.
For whom?
The RR group is open to post-graduates, MA students and professionals from all fields interested in the topic and engaged to work with a small collaborative group; led by those who participate. The group decides together on the final selection of texts and way of engaging with the provided Solnit works.
When & where?
RR Hope in the Dark takes place at Veem House for Performance,
during the House Warming on Sept 22nd there is a kick off.
More information about this after subcription!
After this, five weekly sessions will follow:
Tuesday’s: 26.9, 3.10, 10.10, 17.10, 24.10
From 19.30 till 22:00
! Every RR is thought as a series that explores a topic or author over the proposed course of time. Participants are therefor encouraged to follow and register for all five sessions, in order for the group to make a journey through the discourse.
How to join?
All RR’s are 5,- per session. It is possible to buy all sessions at once. If you are a housemate you have acces with your key.
In both cases it is required to register online!
Step 1
Go to ‘Get Tickets’
= Choose the dates of the sessions you want to attend
= Choose ‘5,- ticket’ or enter your promocode to retrieve your ‘housemate’ ticket
= Buy
So now you have registered and ensured yourselve a place in this RR!
+ We receive your registration, name and email address.
Step 2
We use your email address to confirm you registration, keep you updated about the latest RR news, and most importantly, send you the texts of your RR reading list.
Be aware…
We prefer to print less. Therefor, we provide you all the texts digitally and ask you kindly to bring your own reading devices.
Developed by Nienke Scholts & Andrea Rogolino
Questions? andrea@veem.house