How to Practice Fair Practice Code? Trust at Veem House
Productiehuis Theater Rotterdam, Het Huis Utrecht, and Veem House for Performance
Additional Programme
On the same night, starting at 20:00 (after the ‘Fair Practice Code’ session) we’ll host the film screening by Pedro Pinho ‘The Nothing Factory’.
The film tells the story of employees in a factory that goes bankrupt and how they reshape their lives in the factory during this crisis.
For more information about the film screening, click here!
How to practice Fair Practice?
Productiehuis Theater Rotterdam, Het Huis Utrecht and Veem House for Performance are joining forces for a three-part symposium on Fair Practice Code,
specifically organized for makers and performers in the performing arts.
Together we will discuss the five pillars of fair practice: transparency, sustainability, diversity, solidarity and trust.
In every house there is a session about the Fair Practice Code and we move to the table for a dinner together.
We will start with the question: How to Practice Fair Practice?
— 27 October: Productiehuis Theater Rotterdam
— 19 November: Het Huis Utrecht
— 4 December: Veem Huis voor Performance
Participation cost is 6 euros including dinner.
Are you a maker/performer and would you like to join us?
Buy your ticket, click here!
We ask participants to prepare themselves by reading the Fair Practice Code 1.0.
4 December 2018
During the last session at Veem House for Performance on the 4th of December (16:00) we continue with the theme of trust. How do you instill confidence for a work whose outcome is not clear yet? What is needed, and what do you give, to be able to work in trust?
The session is also a wrap-up of the three different sessions, where we jointly make a proposal for How to Practice.
Transparency and Sustainability
On the 27th October at Theater Rotterdam, the first part of the session is about transparency. In a workshop we take care of the question: ‘How can we talk about money?’ The second part of the session is focused on sustainability. We invite a few guests to join a panel discussion about their attempts to set up a sustainable practice and whether or not they will clash. In addition, three interventions take place in which artists reflect on their practice as young makers and on the building of a sustainable practice.
Diversity and Solidarity
In Het Huis Utrecht on the 19th of November, we question how artists with collective solidarity can compete for better working conditions and payment? If Fair Practice results in fewer artists being supported in an absolute sense, which division between experienced and beginning artists would be right? And how do we ensure equal opportunities for everyone in those circumstances?
Productiehuis Theater Rotterdam, Het Huis Utrecht, Veem House for Performance