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Fluid Matters: Always coming hole + Leaking Letters

Paula Almirón, Ira Melkonyan, Rick Dolphijn, Ngahuia Harrison, Simon Baetens | co-curated by Elowise Vandenbroecke

Departing from water and diving into liquidity and fluidity, this evening, co-curated by Elowise Vandenbroecke, attempts to open up perspectives on the slippery nature of fluid, as it pertains to water as well as the amniotic, liquid performances, watery thinking and the entangled and permeable nature of fluid bodies. Combining the presentation of Always coming hole, exploring the disappearing lakes in South America by choreographer Paula Almirón, with a leaky listening session of four commissioned letters written to “you” – each letter written by an artist, writer or theorist, exploring the scope of Fluid Matters.

Always coming hole by Paula Almirón

Two bodies on stage perform an audio guided choreography. They embody imaginary and real bodies of water being conducted, molded, and re-shaped. How and where do these aqueous bodies come together and differentiate?

Always coming hole is a choreographic reading space about Lake Poopó, a disappearing lake in Bolivia. It navigates a space created out of the negative of the lake: its body that it’s left behind, which has served as a vessel for its lifetime. Taking Lake Poopó as point of departure, the work investigates ways of listening to its movements and forces.

About Paula Almirón

Paula Almirón is a dancer and choreographer from Argentina based in Brussels since 2016. Her practice unfolds at the intersection of dance, choreography and ‘eco-fiction’, a literary genre that focuses on non-human stories and the performativity of the space. Within this research she relates to fiction as movement, and to choreography in an expanded way. Through her work, she investigates the potential of choreography as a listening device, to create alternative maps of spaces focusing on the dynamic relationships that already exist between the agents themselves: the potential of choreography to write Relationships.

8 October 2021


9 October 2021


Click here for the current COVID-19 regulations.

Leaking Letters

Following Almiron’s performance will be a further exploration of liquid knowledge as we share 4 letters to ‘you’ (be it singular or plural). As a discursive companion, it brings forward various viewpoints and open ups different lines of thought on fluidity. The letterwriters will touch on the amniotic, liquid performances, watery thinking and the entangled and permeable nature of fluid bodies.

Letters read and written to you by:
Ira Melkonyan
Rick Dolphijn
Ngahuia Harrison
Simon Baetens

Credits Always coming hole

Concept and choreography
Paula Almirón
Space Creation
Eliane Bertschi
Choreography and performance
Ines Marita Schärer & Paula Almiron
Paula Pacheco, Alan Calle, Saul Apaza Chambi & Paula Almiron
Video Mapping
Eliane Bertschi & Ruben Vandermeulen
Paula Almiron
Dorian Stevens
Technical support
Jan Berckmans & Ruben Vandermeulen
In conversation with
Simon Asencio, Eliane Bertschi, Sabine Cmelniski, Wouter De
Raeve, Fabrizia Fluhler, Caroline Godard, Lili M. Rampre, Louise Vanneste and Florencia Almiron
With the support of
La Bellone Maison de Spectacle, Kunstencentrum BUDA, Louise
Vanneste Rising Horses, Villa Empain (Fondation Boghossian), Bâtard Festival, workspacebrussels, Kunstenwerkplaats, Kickstart Cultuurfonds

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