Knock Down
Esther Arribas and Matias Daporta

What do we do or experience when we watch a work of art, a theatre play or a movie? What is the impact of the work? These questions are at the core of the experimental documentary Knock Down that Matias Daporta and Esther Arribas shot/recorded over a year ago during the similarly named theatre event at Veem House for Performance.
Taking the answers to the extreme, Daporta and Arribas created the story of an artist massacre, a dystopian world in which audience members are massively killing artists for their unsatisfactory art. They customized/transformed and re-designed the theatre space at Veem House for Performance to a massacre universe and placed an unaware theatre audience inside this fictional story. Their film documents the reactions and experiences of the audience, looking for an innovative documentary form in which a theatrical experience is transformed into a cinematic one.
We are proud to host the preview of Knock Down feature-length documented fiction, in which Daporta and Arribas focused their satirical eye on today’s theatre world and its audience. We invite you to watch the preview together with the makers and contributors to the film, with freshly made cocktails afterwards! Click here to watch the trailer.
We reserved free seats for those who contributed to film during the event on 17 January 2015. If you were a spectator at the event in 2015, but did not receive the code for a free ticket, we were probably not able to read or trace your correct email address, so if that is the case please contact us by sending an email to
10 April 2016
Esther Arribas, Matias Daporta